Mysteries of the Deep presents its third and final compilation, rounding out the three-part seasonal series that began earlier this year. Each has been distinct and reflective of the season of its release; the first, released in spring, leaned towards the organic and ethereal. The second—a summer release—was oriented towards rhythmic vitality. And the third installment in the series, like the winter season, is deep, dark, and contemplative: a call to turn inwards. The thread that connects each track in Chapter Three is mood: each one of these tracks brings to mind the inward spaces of winter. From the smoky, ghost-like vocals of Xexzy’s “Lost” to the percussive fervor of Birds of Prey’s “Escapement,” this compilation offers a dynamic range of sounds, while remaining sonically coherent.
Thomas Ragsdale’s “Kicking Ox” makes for a fitting opening, for its dark pulse and somber strings set the tone for what’s to follow. Much of this work seems to reflect the end of a long, chaotic year; often these arrangements are stark, unsettling and dystopian, like Push for Night’s tense, cinematic “Fingering the Fuse” and Israel Vines’ “Shallow Pursuits.” Elements like the ragged chords of Rafael Anton Irisarri’s “Haggard,” the steady, buried kick in Christina Giannone’s “Lapsed Contentment” or the sonic droplets of Radere’s “Harm Matrix,” lend to a sparse, wintry atmosphere. But, as within any bleak, snowy landscape, there’s the occasional sheen of light. Joachim Spieth’s “Luna,” and Rhaeticus’ “Standing on Concrete” are heightened and emotionally rich. Overall, the third and final release grounds itself in an identity that feels distinctly different from the first two chapters, and yet simultaneously completes the arc of the series, which has showcased over three dozen artists dedicated to their craft.
Mastered by Rafael Anton Irisarri at Black Knoll Studio, NY
Design by Gabriel Benzur
Words by Taylor Bratches
Worldwide Distribution: wordandsound → what people play
© Mysteries of the Deep
MOTDCOMP003, 2020