Mysteries of the Deep Podcast, Chapter CXIII. Autunno Caldo by @gunnar_haslam. Cover photo courtesy of Candace Price.
1. Ferdinand Kriwet - Voice Of America
2. Toru Takemitsu - Ki (Kwaidan)
3. Jean-Claude Eloy - Shanti
4. A Word from Fred Hampton
5. Luctor Ponse - Radiophonie
6. Syntonic Research Inc - Be-In (A Psychoacoustic Experience)
7. Sun Ra - Cluster of Galaxies
8. An Interview with Ghassan Kanafani
9. Luigi Nono - Non Consumiamo Marx
10. John Barry - The Spa/Switching The Body
11. Gruppo D’Improvvisazione Nuova Consonanza - Cantata
12. Technical Space Composers’ Crew - Shook Eyes Ammunition
13. Angela Davis - Statement
14. Sun Ra - Solar Drums
15. Salvatore Martirano - L’s GA For Gassed-Masked Politico, Helium Bomb, And Two-Channel Tape
16. Eliane Radigue - Vice, Versa Backwards 19
17. Archie Shepp - We Have Come Back
18. Area - Citazione Da George L. Jackson
19. Beatriz Ferreyra - Demeures Aquatiques
20. Albert Elms - Sleep Music
21. Iannis Xenakis - Persepolis (Excerpt)
22. Excerpt from “Black Panthers” by Agnès Varda
23. Gruppe Nuova Consonanza - Credo
24. Don Cherry - Gamla Stan - The Old Town By Night
25. Naná Vasconcelos - Espafro / Um Minuto